February 23, 2025

Review Category : Information

Disabled: Not A Separate World

Are you a TAB? That’s temporarily-able-bodied. What’s the likelihood that you will spend part of your life in a wheelchair? Try 80%. And, are you normal? Probably not. In essence, we are much more varried than we recognize. Disabled is very much part of who we are. It might be...

Universal Design: Seeing Hidden Value

The familiarity for instant gratification is in our bones. Ask someone to plan for something many years off and they will decline. Ask them to spend some money and they’ll run! The good news about universal design is that it doesn’t cost much when considered at the early planning stages....

Accessible Environments

PDF file:  Toward Universal Design A good overview of the concept of universal design in everyday environments. Design illustrations, a brief history of the movement for disability rights, and recent legal developments are included. PDF file from NCSU, AUED.9.96, Ronald L. Mace, Graeme J. Hardie, and Jaine P. Place, 1996,...