February 22, 2025

Blogs — focus on disability / assistive technology

Many people are contributing to the promotion, education, growth and development of disability issues and assistive technology. Find the work of other blog contributors here.

ATMac Empowering Disabled Apple Users

“This website covers all Apple products with a slant towards disability. We have an interest in users with a disability, adaptive and assistive technology, and making accessible programs and content. We aim to cover all Apple products.” “As well as people with a disability and assistive and adaptive technology users,...

The Assistive Technology Blog

“The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at VCU’s Assistive Technology Blog is for Assistive Technology providers across Superintendent’s Regions 1 & 8. Do you have a question you would like to see answered in the assistive technology blog? EMAIL US and someone on the Assistive...

An initiative to change universal design The University at Buffalo continues to extend its international reach

October 10, 2010 “UB’s Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access and the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute are partnering to research and change the accessibility of housing, public buildings and outdoor spaces able to accommodate people of all abilities and ages.” by: Rebecca Bratek, The Spectrum, a student publication from the...

Accessible Environments

PDF file:  Toward Universal Design A good overview of the concept of universal design in everyday environments. Design illustrations, a brief history of the movement for disability rights, and recent legal developments are included. PDF file from NCSU, AUED.9.96, Ronald L. Mace, Graeme J. Hardie, and Jaine P. Place, 1996,...

Universal Design: Seeing Hidden Value

The familiarity for instant gratification is in our bones. Ask someone to plan for something many years off and they will decline. Ask them to spend some money and they’ll run! The good news about universal design is that it doesn’t cost much when considered at the early planning stages....

Disabled: Not A Separate World

Are you a TAB? That’s temporarily-able-bodied. What’s the likelihood that you will spend part of your life in a wheelchair? Try 80%. And, are you normal? Probably not. In essence, we are much more varried than we recognize. Disabled is very much part of who we are. It might be...

Universal Design: A Livable Home

Universal design is an approach to design, not a set of rules. Some guidelines are specific while others are more like an overall concept. This article discusses the broad, all encompasing guidelines to consider when making a home universally designed. Files:Universal Design: A Livable Home...

The Eighth Principle of Universal Design

North Carolina State University’s Center for Universal Design created the seven principles that are the guiding force behind universal design. An eighth principle would address the impact of environment on perception. For example, put two people behind a podium, a tall and a short person. The audience forms a judgment...
