February 22, 2025

Blogs — focus on disability / assistive technology

Many people are contributing to the promotion, education, growth and development of disability issues and assistive technology. Find the work of other blog contributors here.

Living at home as we age, Louis Tenenbaum

“Adapting our homes to our needs as we grow older. Aging in Place empowers older citizens with Choice and Control, Dignity and Independence – the essentials of happier homes, better lives and more economical housing and care. Louis Tenenbaum is the nation’s leading authority on Aging in Place. He has...

Lifetime Design

“Lifetime Design doesn’t build houses, or sell them.  But we have set the standards and guidelines for accessible, adaptable and inclusive house design.  We work with architects, designers, retirement village operators, developers and home owners as the resource centre for inclusive, accessible and adaptable design. Lifetime Design’s standards are freely...


“An award-winning author, international lecturer, and designer with more than 30 years of experience, Cynthia Leibrock’s mission is to improve the lives of older and disabled people through design. Ms. Leibrock is the principal/founder of EASY ACCESS TO HEALTH in Ft. Collins, Colorado, a firm that offers consulting services in...

Ellett Homes, Inc.

Ellett Homes services include:  “Accessible custom ramps; Grab bars; Widen doorways for wheelchairs; Bathroom remodels (Including curb free roll in showers, Specialty toilets, Tub seats and transfer boards; Kitchen remodels; Special cabinet designs including cutout work areas; Doorway hardware; Closet designs; Floor coverings; Custom house plans for barrier free living.”...

Adapt My

“Aging in place? Your home does not have to look institutional. From simple to simply gorgeous, we’ll help you create an accessible home that you can be comfortable in. Whether you have a family member with a disability or are just looking for a safe, comfortable style you can grow...

Guchi Interior Design

Specializing in:  “Universal design, space planning, furniture (including the “Fitness in Comfort” Exclusive Fitness Recliner for Residential and Health Care Facilities), accessorizing, window coverings, custom fabrics, professional assessment, project management, model home design, design consultant training, design Center Set up, and, home staging.”...

Abadabi Accessibility

“Abadi Accessibility serves the building community as an accessibility specialist and offers plan reviews, building inspections, site assessments, training and education to their clients. Abadi Accessibility is an accessibility consulting firm owned by Marcela Abadi Rhoads, AIA RAS.  She is a registered architect and registered accessibility specialist in Texas.  She...

Concrete Change

An international effort to make all new homes Visitable! This is the place to go to understand visitability – the few and minor requirements to make a home a place that a person using a wheelchair can get it, move about an accessible floor and use the bathroom....

Lifetime Design

“Lifetime Design doesn’t build houses, or sell them.  But we have set the standards and guidelines for accessible, adaptable and inclusive house design.  We work with architects, designers, retirement village operators, developers and home owners as the resource centre for inclusive, accessible and adaptable design. Lifetime Design’s standards are freely...


“An award-winning author, international lecturer, and designer with more than 30 years of experience, Cynthia Leibrock’s mission is to improve the lives of older and disabled people through design. Ms. Leibrock is the principal/founder of EASY ACCESS TO HEALTH in Ft. Collins, Colorado, a firm that offers consulting services in...

Institute for Human Centered Design

“The Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD), founded in Boston in 1978 as Adaptive Environments, is an international non-governmental educational organization (NGO) committed to advancing the role of design in expanding opportunity and enhancing experience for people of all ages and abilities through excellence in design. IHCD’s work balances expertise...

RLTV – Retirement Living Television

“Committed to addressing important senior social and health issues … rais[ing] awareness and encourag[ing] discourse on these important issues for seniors, caregivers and family alike.” Check site for local broadcasting in your area.  As of January 2010, shows include: AARP – My Generation; AARP – Inside E Street; Another Chance...

Eldercare Locator

“The Eldercare Locator, public service of the Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services. The Eldercare Locator is designed to help older adults and their families and caregivers find their way...

Changing Paces – PEOPLE FIRST Accessibility Standards Training

“Changing Paces was the first training firm in Ontario to have developed, tested and implemented an Accessible Customer Service Staff Training Program. Our Disability Awareness and Accessible Customer Service Training programs will ensure that your organization is not only in compliance with Ontario legislation but also well prepared to support,...

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines 1.0

“Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that addresses and redresses the primary barrier to making expert learners of all students: inflexible, one-size-fits-all curricula that raise unintentional barriers to learning. Learners with disabilities are most vulnerable to such barriers, but many students without disabilities also find that curricula are...

Renaissance Learning

Computer-based assessment technology “Renaissance Learning is the world’s leading provider of computer-based assessment technology for pre-K-12 schools. Adopted by more than 75,000 North American schools, Renaissance Learning’s tools provide daily formative assessment and periodic progress-monitoring technology to enhance the curriculum, support differentiated instruction, and personalize practice in reading, writing, and...


A public website by the Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA) Georgia Institute of Technology (GT) College of Architecture (COA) that provides access to information on AT devices and services as well as other community resources for people with disabilities and the general public....

The National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification

“The Center’s mission is to make supportive housing and home modification a more integral component of successful aging, long-term care, preventive health, and the development of elder-friendly communities. The Center offers a vision for the future as well as practical strategies and materials for policymakers, practitioners, consumers, manufacturers, suppliers, and...

The Center for Universal Design

At North Carolina State University, CUD is a national information, technical assistance, and research center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, commercial and public facilities, outdoor environments, and products. Our mission is to improve environments and products through design innovation, research, education and design assistance....