February 22, 2025

Blogs — focus on disability / assistive technology

Many people are contributing to the promotion, education, growth and development of disability issues and assistive technology. Find the work of other blog contributors here.

POV: Freedom Machines, 2004

“Freedom Machines takes a new look at disability through the lens of assistive technology. The experiences of a group of unforgettable people let us re-examine ideas about ability and disability grounded in our culture and attitudes. Engineers, designers and users challenge barriers inherent in our built environments, and reveal the...

POV’s Freedom Machines

“Freedom Machines takes a new look at disability through the lens of assistive technology. The experiences of a group of unforgettable people let us re-examine ideas about ability and disability grounded in our culture and attitudes. Engineers, designers and users challenge barriers inherent in our built environments, and reveal the...

Legal Disclaimer

Neither the author nor the publisher of this website make any express or implied warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the accuracy, sufficiency, or completeness of the information, advice, data, methods in this website; nor of the merchantability or fitness of a product, scheme, or recommendation for any particular purpose....

Disability History Museum

“The Disability History Museum’s mission is to promote understanding about the historical experience of people with disabilities by recovering, chronicling, and interpreting their stories. Our goal is to help foster a deeper understanding of disability and to dispel lingering myths, assumptions, and stereotypes by examining these cultural legacies. “...

Museum of disAbility History

“The Museum of disABILITY History is dedicated to the collection, preservation and display of artifacts pertaining to the history of people with disabilities. Located in Buffalo, New York, and on the World Wide Web, the Museum offers educational exhibits and activities that expand community awareness. The Museum of disABILITY History...

The ADA Companion Guide: Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)

“Architects, interior designers, engineers, facility managers, and related building professionals will find this to be a handy guide to the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), as published by the U.S. Access Board in the Federal Registry in 2004 and subsequently updated. As this book went to press...

The Universally Designed Classroom, Accessible Curriculum and Digital Technologies

“The Universally Designed Classroom addresses crucial questions about how to create full access to the general education curriculum for children with disabilities. Based on years of research and innovation at CAST (The Center for Applied Special Technology), the book provides a helpful overview of the digital solutions that are at...

Universal Design in Higher Education, From Principles to Practice

“Universal Design in Higher Education is a comprehensive guide for researchers and practitioners on creating fully accessible college and university programs. It is founded upon, and contributes to, theories of universal design in education that have been gaining increasingly wide attention in recent years. As greater numbers of students with...

Time Goes By, what it’s really like to get older

“Today, TGB is a complex mix of reporting on every aspect of aging: health and medical issues, ageism and age discrimination, media, technology, politics and public policy, culture, marketing to elders, the importance of language, love and sex, friendship, post-career careers, retirement, family, the prospect of death and, certainly, humor....

SPH Planning & Consulting Limited

Accessibility news blog by SPH. “SPH is an urban planning and design firm specializing in research, policy development, building auditing and site planning focused on achieving barrier free and universally accessible solutions for developing the built environment, landscapes, policies, programs and services.” Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...

Enabled By Design

“It’s all about people-powered products: We are a community of people passionate about well designed everyday products. By sharing our loves, hates and ideas, we can challenge the one-size-fits-all approach to assistive equipment through the use of clever modern design.” Site features:  Loves & Hates,  Ideas Factory,  Product Reviews...

Indiana Asstitive Technology Blog

“Easter Seals Crossroads has been providing assistive technology solutions in Indiana since 1979. In 2007, Easter Seals Crossroads partnered with the State of Indiana, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services to establish the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) Project. INDATA core services include: Information and referral, funding assistance, public awareness and education,...