Makers of the eTalk-GT, an “enabling audible, personal communication for individuals unable to use their natural voice.”...
“Introducing an exciting, new way to communicate with your computer. Wacom now adds Multi-Touch to Bamboo, allowing you to use simple finger taps and hand gestures to communicate with your computer.”...
Williams Sound Corporation
“Whether your hearing needs are specific to listening on the phone, television, conversations at work, small groups, or one-on-one conversations, we have a wide range of products designed to help you hear more clearly and easily.” Home, Work, Small Groups & Military....
WizCom Technologies Ltd.
Maker of “personal, portable, scanning dictionaries, reading pens and scanning pens. Our pocket-size, user-friendly Quicktionary® Pens enable students and people working in multilingual environments to translate and define printed material without disrupting their reading process. Our ReadingPen® products serve as assistive reading devices for people with reading difficulties such as...
Communication Systems; Communication Software; Hand-Held Communication; Input/Speech Devices; Hardware & Accessories...