March 9, 2025

Changing Paces – PEOPLE FIRST Accessibility Standards Training

“Changing Paces was the first training firm in Ontario to have developed, tested and implemented an Accessible Customer Service Staff Training Program. Our Disability Awareness and Accessible Customer Service Training programs will ensure that your organization is not only in compliance with Ontario legislation but also well prepared to support,...

Let Kids Play

“Founder, Mara Kaplan is an educator, mom of a child with disabilities and seasoned advocate for inclusive play. Learn more about Mara.  Let Kids Play is a consulting firm that works with manufacturers, communities, non-profits, park districts, retail stores, and parents on projects and strategies that ensure that all children...

The ADA Companion Guide: Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)

“Architects, interior designers, engineers, facility managers, and related building professionals will find this to be a handy guide to the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), as published by the U.S. Access Board in the Federal Registry in 2004 and subsequently updated. As this book went to press...

SPH Planning & Consulting Limited

Accessibility news blog by SPH. “SPH is an urban planning and design firm specializing in research, policy development, building auditing and site planning focused on achieving barrier free and universally accessible solutions for developing the built environment, landscapes, policies, programs and services.” Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...