February 22, 2025

iCan Ability

“iCan Ability Specialists, Inc. is a rehabilitation practice focused on making independent living possible for people with disabilities in their chosen living environment. Our services are provided not only in our outpatient clinic, but also in the comfort of the individuals’ homes. We specialize in functional independence, Home Accessibility Consulting,...

D+A Studio

“We try to bring attention to aging in place and universal design issues at the beginning stage of each project. We provide clients with the Universal Design Checklist, and we also have a comprehensive client questionnaire which addresses aging in place issues, health problems, and special considerations. Many of our...

Lifetime Design

“Lifetime Design doesn’t build houses, or sell them.  But we have set the standards and guidelines for accessible, adaptable and inclusive house design.  We work with architects, designers, retirement village operators, developers and home owners as the resource centre for inclusive, accessible and adaptable design. Lifetime Design’s standards are freely...

Living at home as we age, Louis Tenenbaum

“Adapting our homes to our needs as we grow older. Aging in Place empowers older citizens with Choice and Control, Dignity and Independence – the essentials of happier homes, better lives and more economical housing and care. Louis Tenenbaum is the nation’s leading authority on Aging in Place. He has...