March 9, 2025

Assistive Technology & UD, Part V: Communication, Intellect & Development

Some disabilities are not readily noticed. It might be a weak heart that limits an otherwise strong person. It might be a learning disability that holds back a high IQ from being fully utilized. In communication, intellect and mental development, a disability more often and more easily escapes notice. It...

Assistive Technology & UD, Part VI: Top-Ten List

How to do a top-ten list for assistive technology? First, I wanted the list to reflect a universal design focus. Next, I wanted the technology to be new and presently available; I considered not just a technology’s use but also its wider social impact (I know, I am missing some...

Code Factory

“Code Factory is the global leader committed to the development of products designed to eliminate barriers to the accessibility of mobile technology for the blind and visually impaired. Today, Code Factory is the leading provider of screen readers, screen magnifiers, and Braille interfaces for the widest range of mainstream mobile...

Optelec US

Assistive devices and technology for visually impaired and dyslexic. “Based in Barendrecht, the Netherlands, Optelec is the leading designer and manufacturer of life-changing assisstive technologies for people who are visually impaired and dyslexic. Optelec continues to be the global front-runner with a multi-tiered distribution in more than 60 countries.”...