March 9, 2025

Code Factory

“Code Factory is the global leader committed to the development of products designed to eliminate barriers to the accessibility of mobile technology for the blind and visually impaired. Today, Code Factory is the leading provider of screen readers, screen magnifiers, and Braille interfaces for the widest range of mainstream mobile...

Renaissance Learning

Computer-based assessment technology “Renaissance Learning is the world’s leading provider of computer-based assessment technology for pre-K-12 schools. Adopted by more than 75,000 North American schools, Renaissance Learning’s tools provide daily formative assessment and periodic progress-monitoring technology to enhance the curriculum, support differentiated instruction, and personalize practice in reading, writing, and...

ATMac Empowering Disabled Apple Users

“This website covers all Apple products with a slant towards disability. We have an interest in users with a disability, adaptive and assistive technology, and making accessible programs and content. We aim to cover all Apple products.” “As well as people with a disability and assistive and adaptive technology users,...