March 9, 2025

Consciousness Precedes Form

Being green has been around for a long time. However, in the last year a tipping point was reached and green is now visible everywhere. Governments are doing it, business is doing it, schools are teaching it, and even the “bad” guys, such as the petroleum industry, are dabbling with...

AARP’s Life @ 50+

I would like to say that a conspiracy took place – at least there’s intention and action in a conspiracy. At this year AARP Life@50+ annual convention in Washington DC, twenty-five thousand attendees left knowing as much about universal design as when they walked in (nearly none). I really doubt...

10 Simple Home Improvements for Seniors

Are you 55 or older? What would be the simple improvements to make your home get you another ten years of usability? AARP does annual surveys to assess the desire to age in place, and the means which people are employing to do so. This annual survey, in its fifth...