February 22, 2025

Living at home as we age, Louis Tenenbaum

“Adapting our homes to our needs as we grow older. Aging in Place empowers older citizens with Choice and Control, Dignity and Independence – the essentials of happier homes, better lives and more economical housing and care. Louis Tenenbaum is the nation’s leading authority on Aging in Place. He has...

Administration on Aging

“Vision In order to serve a growing senior population, AoA envisions ensuring the continuation of a vibrant aging services network at State, Territory, local and Tribal levels through funding of lower-cost, non-medical services and supports that provide the means by which many more seniors can maintain their independence. Mission The...

Assisted Living Federation of America

The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is the largest national association exclusively dedicated to professionally operated assisted living communities for seniors. Assisted Living Federation of America’s member-driven programs promote business and operational excellence through an annual conference, research, publications, and executive networks. The Assisted Living Federation of America works...