February 22, 2025


Topics: Furniture, Shop

Furniture solutions of universal design: attractive, functional, and adjustable furniture that provides a wider range of accessibility: education & library, health care, kitchen & bath, workplace and home office....

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Best Bath

Topics: Bathroom, Shop

“We specialize in low threshold safe bathing options for home and commercial applications. We offer trouble-free installation with our unique SnapJoint Assembly, Flange Trim Kits, Leak Proof Joints, and Pre-leveled bases. This system saves significant installation time and labor costs.”...

Best Bath

“We specialize in low threshold safe bathing options for home and commercial applications. We offer trouble-free installation with our unique SnapJoint Assembly, Flange Trim Kits, Leak Proof Joints, and Pre-leveled bases. This system saves significant installation time and labor costs.”...

Ellett Homes, Inc.

Ellett Homes services include:  “Accessible custom ramps; Grab bars; Widen doorways for wheelchairs; Bathroom remodels (Including curb free roll in showers, Specialty toilets, Tub seats and transfer boards; Kitchen remodels; Special cabinet designs including cutout work areas; Doorway hardware; Closet designs; Floor coverings; Custom house plans for barrier free living.”...