“NAIPC wants to be your primary informational resource so that you remain active and healthy throughout your retirement years. We have established a network of professionals from the private, public and non-profit sectors who can help you plan for your future housing and care needs. Our web site provides additional...
Patricia E. Bauer
“PatriciaEBauer.com is a collection of news and commentary about disability issues drawn from news organizations around the United States and elsewhere. As a journalist and the mother of a young adult with disabilities, I have often wondered why I was not able to find an online source for media coverage...
Universal Design – The Time is Now
Topics: Articles, Reports & News, Information
Great (and long) post about how and why universal design is better positioned now than at any time in the past to succeed and become mainstream. Points include: Reason 1. World demographics are changing. Reason 2: World economies are changing. Reason 3: More societies throughout the world are valuing human...
Media dis&dat
“A database of news and information about people with disabilities and disability issues”...