For all of us there is never just one starting point, one missed opportunity that is lost and never recovered. It is always a string of beginning moments, there is always a time to start anew, always a chance to step into a new vision. As with many of us,...
RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.
“AAC software and hardware products for persons with special needs.” Many are innovative and some are hand made. ...
Origin Instruments Corporation
“Assistive technology enabling people with physical disabilities to access and operate computers and alternative augmentative communication (AAC) devices.” The company’s flagship product is HeadMouse® Extreme....
Products and downloads for language & communication, physical impairments, vision impairments, speech synthesis, voices and text to speech. Amsterdam based company. Many Mac friendly products....
ATMac Empowering Disabled Apple Users
“This website covers all Apple products with a slant towards disability. We have an interest in users with a disability, adaptive and assistive technology, and making accessible programs and content. We aim to cover all Apple products.” “As well as people with a disability and assistive and adaptive technology users,...