March 9, 2025


Today’s partisan politics is like a bad marriage. The couple no longer communicates; instead, they undermine each other’s intentions by using any opposing position, even when it doesn’t support their own agenda. President Obama wants to improve our health care system. He doesn’t have a perfect solution – it’s a...

I Owe You: I.O.U.S.A.

Warning: This blog entry has strong moral overtones. I just watched the documentary, I.O.U.S.A. It’s about our nation’s economy. What’s clear is that we don’t need a terrorist hiding in a cave or a rouge dictator to wipe out this great country, we’re doing a fine job by ourselves. The...

‘Time’ To Do It Right

I was struck by an article by Dr. Dr Sunil Bhatia in that way when a subject just doesn’t leave you alone – it kept popping up in my thoughts. Dr. Bhatia created and runs the Design For All Institute of India and publishes a monthly newsletter. He recently wrote...