I was struck by an article by Dr. Dr Sunil Bhatia in that way when a subject just doesn’t leave you alone – it kept popping up in my thoughts. Dr. Bhatia created and runs the Design For All Institute of India and publishes a monthly newsletter. He recently wrote...
‘Time’ To Do It Right, Part II
Topics: Blog, Universal Design
On the April 13th post, I looked at the impact of time on design. Five hundred words were insufficient. I have since expanded the article and given it as a brief speech. Below is an abstract followed by links to the video and the article itself. Abstract: Time was measured...
A Pet Cat?
Parents of young children sometimes find themselves facing the pet cat question. They never had a cat, they never wanted a cat, but now their child is begging for one. In private, the parents discuss the pros and cons. Well, the cat needs to be fed, taken to the vet...