I was struck by an article by Dr. Dr Sunil Bhatia in that way when a subject just doesn’t leave you alone – it kept popping up in my thoughts. Dr. Bhatia created and runs the Design For All Institute of India and publishes a monthly newsletter. He recently wrote...
‘Time’ To Do It Right, Part II
Topics: Blog, Universal Design
On the April 13th post, I looked at the impact of time on design. Five hundred words were insufficient. I have since expanded the article and given it as a brief speech. Below is an abstract followed by links to the video and the article itself. Abstract: Time was measured...
Impact of Time on Design by Konrad Kaletsch
Topics: Information, Video Links
Time was measured by nature until late 13th century when mechanisms began to successfully measure time. Since then time has marched forward measuring shorted intervals and with greater accuracy. The impact on design is a shift from doing it right to doing in on time. How do we return to...