March 9, 2025

Grave to Cradle

The provocateur speaking…  What if universal design prevents a very important part of life, that of connecting with our elders. The ideal is ongoing independence, and it is voiced most strongly by those who will retire soon, but what if we are too successful? What if old age becomes just...

I Owe You: I.O.U.S.A.

Warning: This blog entry has strong moral overtones. I just watched the documentary, I.O.U.S.A. It’s about our nation’s economy. What’s clear is that we don’t need a terrorist hiding in a cave or a rouge dictator to wipe out this great country, we’re doing a fine job by ourselves. The...

Emergency Planning

We know the emergency prep basics but what would make them more universal design? The short answer is, not much. If you have a universal design environment, you’re in good shape. Where emergency planning might be more universal design is in its thorough application and in you actually being prepared....


For most Americans, driving is the primary access to a world beyond our doors. It gets us to work, it gets the kids to school, it helps us shop, go to worship and socialize. When driving isn’t an option, chances are you just entered a different world called isolation. The...

Education Saved the Day

Long, long ago, in a distant galaxy, around 2006, a Google search for universal design would give you under three million results. Today, it’s 41,200,000! This is a fast growing field as we prepare for a planet with an older population. Students considering career choices: look into universal design! This...

CAPS – Certified Aging In Place Specialist

Hooray! I am a CAPS graduate. What’s so different? Through manuals, instruction, discussion and testing, I added to my knowledge (even me, Mr. know-it-all). And, I am very excited. CAPS is an acronym for Certified Aging In Place Specialist. It is a three-day training and certification course offered by NAHB,...

Consciousness Precedes Form

Being green has been around for a long time. However, in the last year a tipping point was reached and green is now visible everywhere. Governments are doing it, business is doing it, schools are teaching it, and even the “bad” guys, such as the petroleum industry, are dabbling with...