February 22, 2025

The TubcuT

Topics: Bathroom, Shop

“The TubcuT is an adaptive tub conversion that is available nationally through certified TubcuT installers. In about half a day it creates easier, step-thru access in the front of any existing fiberglass, acrylic, steel or cast iron bathtub. This in-home accessibility modification can be sized to your specifications, and gives...

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Assisted Living Federation of America

The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is the largest national association exclusively dedicated to professionally operated assisted living communities for seniors. Assisted Living Federation of America’s member-driven programs promote business and operational excellence through an annual conference, research, publications, and executive networks. The Assisted Living Federation of America works...

Assisted Living Federation of America

The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is the largest national association exclusively dedicated to professionally operated assisted living communities for seniors. Assisted Living Federation of America’s member-driven programs promote business and operational excellence through an annual conference, research, publications, and executive networks. The Assisted Living Federation of America works...

The Assistive Technology Blog

“The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at VCU’s Assistive Technology Blog is for Assistive Technology providers across Superintendent’s Regions 1 & 8. Do you have a question you would like to see answered in the assistive technology blog? EMAIL US and someone on the Assistive...