January 21, 2025

Testing, Testing!


Happy New Year! Is everyone feeling it? 2011 is gonna be great! Anyone want a 2010 repeat? How about New Year resolutions? I’m a bit compulsive about that – I start in December and finish about now. It’s good. I have a real roadmap for the year ahead.

One resolution is to see this website really blossom by successfully serving lots, I mean millions, of people. Most websites want you to stick around and buy stuff. If you can find what you need and get outta here in 90 seconds, great!

In terms of finding what you need, would you please help me with a test? Post a comment to this blog. Could be just, “Yippee!” This blog doesn’t come up in blog searches like my last one which, even though the old one is inactive, it still ranks in the #1 spot on the search engines. So, I want to know you are there. And, I want this blog to start showing up. There’s tons of excellent old posts and many more to come. It has the new posts!

Universal design isn’t just stuff that’s designed a certain way, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not just how you live, it’s why you live. This blog touches on that; you won’t find that anywhere else. So please help me with this test and post a comment.